Curso Internacional Course of Medical Mycology - 2023


Curso Internacional Course of Medical Mycology - 2023

​A Universidade Federal do Paraná em conjunto com o Grupo de Trabalho Latino-Americano da Sociedade Internacional de Micologia Humana e Animal (LATAM/ISHAM), da Sociedade Brasileira de Doenças Infecciosas (SBI) e do NAPI-Taxonline/Fundação Araucária, tem o prazer de anunciar a realização da edição brasileira do Curso Internacional de Micologia Clínica/2023. Acesse o programa clicando AQUI

O curso foi oferecido por décadas pelo Westerdijk CBS/Instituto de Países Baixos sob a coordenação do Prof. Sybren de Hoog e atualmente vem sendo oferecido pela Universidade de Radboud/ Países Baixos sob a coordenação do Prof. Sybren de Hoog e Paul Verweij.

A edição brasileira do curso acontecerá na Universidade Federal do Paraná de 1 a 10 de março de 2023, em modelo híbrido, com aulas teóricas em inglês e práticas em português, tendo como referência o 4th Edition of Atlas of Clinical Fungi.

Para maiores informações e acesso ao formulário de inscrição, clique no link abaixo:

International Course on Clinical Mycology - 2023

​The Federal University of Paraná, together with the Latin American Working Group of the International Society of Human and Animal Mycology (LATAM/ISHAM), the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases (SBI) and NAPI-Taxonline/Fundação Araucária, is pleased to to announce the Brazilian edition of the International Course on Clinical Mycology/2023. The Course program HERE

The course has been offered for decades by the Westerdijk CBS/Institute of the Netherlands under the coordination of Prof. Sybren de Hoog and is currently being offered by Radboud University/ The Netherlands under the coordination of Prof. Sybren de Hoog and Paul Verweij.

The Brazilian edition of the course will take place at the Federal University of Paraná from March 1 to 10, 2023, in a hybrid model, with theoretical classes in English and practical classes in Portuguese, with reference to the Clinical Mycology Atlas/2022 (

For more information and access to the registration form, click on the link:

The main proposals of the INFOCU-LATAM are

  • To connect graduate students and health care workers interested in contributing to the development of local educational programs and guidelines for improving the early diagnosis and best clinical management of patients with fungal infections in our region
  • To promote and facilitate the conduction of collaborative multicenter studies delineated to understand the epidemiology of fungal infections in LATAM
  • To encourage advocacy initiatives necessary to convince health policy makers and hospital managers to provide better support to medical assistance to patients suffering from opportunistic and endemic fungal infections in our region


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  • ITS and TEF1α DNA Barcoding Databases
  • International Fungal Multi Locus Sequence Typing Database
  • Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases